Monday 12 November 2012

Blogging Challenge Day 7: Let's do the Time Warp again!

If you could go back in time, where would you go?

Hey readers, wonderful news! I've only gone and found a time machine! But where should I go? I think I'll go back in time 10 seconds...

Hey readers, wonderful news! I've only gone and found a time machine! But where should I go? I think I'll go back in time 10 seconds...

Hey readers, wonderful news! I've decided to stop doing that joke.

Welcome to the final day of the blogging challenge! For the last blog of the challenge, Amy and I decided we would discuss what we would do if we could go back in time; where would we go, and why would we go there?

I decided before I started writing this blog that I'd only want to go back to occasions before I was born; partly because wishing to go back upon one's own life - even hypothetically - is dangerous. This choice was mainly made, however, because I think it would simply be more interesting. There have been many thousands of years of this planet, so it would seem a bit wasteful to only think about going back on the 20 years I have already experienced - not to mention the fact I already spend so much of my life thinking back on what has happened in my life, instead of thinking "ooo, what was it like BEFORE I was born?"

The first place I would love to go would be July 22nd 1988. Wembley Stadium. Michael Jackson's Bad Tour. This gives the challenge a nice cyclical feel; in the first entry, Music, I stated how much I'd have loved to see Michael Jackson live, and in this, the final entry of the challenge, I am saying how I'd love to travel back in time and see him at his peak.

I'd also love to go back to 1966 and watch England win the World Cup. That would be pretty cool. Would be nice to see a good England football team, I've never seen that before.

It would also be interesting to hang out with my Mum and Dad when they were 20, or just observe then in a social situation from a distance. Just to see what they were like.

Oh, it would also be fun to go back and invest tiny amounts in what eventually become massive inventions, so I am really rich. That would be cool.

This blog challenge is ending with a bit of a whimper. I haven't been able to think of much for today, to be honest. My apologies.

I would like to thank everyone who has followed this challenge throughout the days, especially those who have given feedback. Also, huge thanks to PDT for joining in with Days 1 and 2, and, of course, Amy for doing the challenge with me. You helped provide ideas for topics, and you produced very entertaining blogs throughout the week, so thank you.

To my blog readers, thinking "when will the next one be?"...I can reveal a new blog will be released...TOMORROW.

Yes, from now on, I will write a blog every Tuesday (at the very least) ...How many days in a row will I have blogged, Jon?

Yes Jon, you're right.

See you tomorrow for a "normal" blog. Thanks for following the inaugural blogging challenge!

1 comment:

  1. You are correct. You are good at writing. :p
    You would do some interesting things. It made me wonder why in all the times I asked myself this question, I still don't have an answer


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