Friday 20 March 2020

Comedians vs Corona: An online database of UK-based comedians YouTube/Twitch pages!

It's a really weird time to be a comedian. Most of us have lost all of our live work, and so are having to turn to different ways of trying to make a living, or just new ways of keeping ourselves sane.

I have seen numerous acts who are putting their efforts into YouTube or Twitch, and it feels like a good time for everyone to come together and help each-other out a bit. So I have made a couple of pages that should help comics build an audience, especially if this takes off:

Firstly, there is this YouTube channel here.

Basically, if you are a comedian who has a YouTube page that you want included, pop me a link to your page via Twitter or Facebook, and I will subscribe using this channel. That way, there would be a central hub for people to find the channels of loads of different comedians. Hopefully people will click on it and go "oh, I didn't realise that Sarah Funnychops had an account, I'll check her stuff out!"

I have subscribed to a few channels already, so you can get a feel of the layout. I think it could be a really good idea to have a bit of a database of UK comedians who are on YouTube, as I don't think that exists anywhere.

For Twitch, I have made this channel.

If you follow this with your account, then will act as a way for me to find any other comedians' Twitch accounts. So far I have:

Ian Lane
Sooz Kempner
Will Preston
Joe Jacobs
Thomas Craven
William Stone
Oli Court
Jen Ives
Luke Poulton
David Earl
Matt Hoss
John Robertson
Basil Bottler
Pope Lonergan
Steve McNeil
Daliso Chaponda
Masud Milas
XS Malarkey
Rob Mulholland
James Meehan
Josie Long
Fern Brady
Eleanor Conway
Ed Night
Brendon Burns
Iain Stirling
Inel Tomlinson
Liam Withnail
Carl Donnelly
Richard Herring
Stu Goldsmith
Tom Mayhew

Hopefully this can get a bit of traction and help people out. It might not get us all 10K subscribers, but if it means some people find new content by a comedian that might lead to that comedian getting some more work down the line, it feels worth doing.

Even if it just leads to a comedian going from 40 Twitch followers to 50, or from 980 YouTube subscribers to 1000 - that can often be the difference between a comedian making money from these platforms or not.

If someone reading this has an idea of how to best make it work on Twitch, do get in touch.

Stay safe everyone.


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